After an App Store rejection for a MacOS app, i've come across a very strange thing happening.
I have an NSViewController
in my storyboard with a storyboardID
I call this from a button with the following code:
NSViewController *loginViewController = [self.storyboard instantiateControllerWithIdentifier:@"login"];
[self presentViewControllerAsSheet:loginViewController];
Pretty basic and it works great, however when I Archive the app and distribute the app from Xcode Organizer, the presentation never happens.
It doesn't matter if I distribute the app with our without signing.
Following the system logs, I can see that the loginViewController
is a valid object but it's followed by 2 lines that simply say <private>
I've tried changing the code to:
[self presentViewControllerAsModalWindow:loginViewController];
and i've also tried using a storyboard segue but the same thing happens.
Has anyone encountered this before?
To reveal private redacted log message within one can use command:
sudo log config --mode "private_data:on"