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vapor 3 fluent-mysql join query

How to use fluent-mysql to join query and limit query in Vapor 3? eg:

SELECT a.*, b.* ON = b.aid LIMIT 0,10

I am not find such examples and documents.


  • You could do it with FluentMySQL like this

    func something(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
        return User.query(on: req)
                   // this is how you can join anything
                   .join(\Token.userId, to: \
                   // this is how you can filter values
                   .filter(\Token.createdAt, .lessThan, Date())
                   // this is how to apply LIMIT and OFFSET
                   .range(lower: 0, upper: 10)
                   // this is how to decode joined model
                   // requests an array of results (or use .first if you need only one first row)
                   .all().map { results in
            for (user, token) in results {
                print("user: \(user.firstName) token: \(token.token)")
            return .ok

    Or you could build a raw query using SwifQL library and execute it like this

    func something2(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
        // build your query like you do in raw SQL
        let query = SwifQLSelectBuilder().select(User.table.*)
                                         .join(.left, Token.table, on: \Token.userId == \
                                         .where(\Token.createdAt <
        // this way you could print raw query to execute it in mysql manually for debugging purposes
        print("raw query: " + query.prepare(.mysql).plain)
        // executes query with mysql dialect
        return query.execute(on: req, as: .mysql)
                    // requests an array of results (or use .first if you need only one first row)
                    // You also could decode query results into the custom struct
                    .all(decoding: User.self).map { users in
            return .ok