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Issue with duplicate values generated when using factory_boy and randint

I'm seeing duplicate values being generated when using randint and factory_boy. My test fails when checking for the asset for each object. The barcode is also the same between the two when calling create() on the factory.

Do I need to provide a different seed before each object creation?


  • factory-boy 2.11.1
  • Faker 1.0.4
  • python 2.7
  • django 1.11



import factory
from A1.models import *
from random import randint, random
faker = Factory.create()

class AssetFactory(factory.DjangoModelFactory):

    class Meta:
        model = Asset

asset = "ABC" + str(randint(0000, 9999))
barcode = "AA" + randint(111111, 999999)
user = factory.lazy_attribute(lambda x:

def test_randomCreation(self):
    new_asset = AssetFactory.create()
    new_asset2 = AssetFactory.create()
    self.assertNotEqual(new_asset.asset, new_asset2.asset)  #FAILS


class Asset(models.Model):
    asset =  models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name="Asset")
    barcode = models.CharField(max_length=255)
    user = models.CharField(max_length=255)

May someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!!


  • The way the Python language is designed, your code cannot work.

    It is strictly equivalent to the following:

    _RANDOM_ASSET = "ABC" + str(randint(0000, 9999))
    _RANDOM_BARCODE = "AA" + str(randint(111111, 999999))
    class AssetFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
        class Meta:
            model = models.Asset
        asset = _RANDOM_ASSET
        barcode = _RANDOM_BARCODE
        user = factory.LazyAttribute(lambda x:

    You've fixed a random value for asset and barcode, so every object generated through that factory will have the exact same value.

    The proper way would be to use the various built-in declarations:

    class AssetFactory(factory.django.DjangoModelFactory):
        class Meta:
            model = models.Asset
        asset = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=4, prefix='ABC', chars=string.digits)
        barcode = factory.fuzzy.FuzzyText(length=6, prefix='AA', chars=string.digits)
        user = factory.Faker('name')