I have basic navigation and two components.
Component1 uses MatTable, but Component2 pure HTML table with material css classes:
<table class="mat-table mat-elevation-z8">
<tr class="mat-row">
<td class="mat-cell">
When I navigate to Component1 and then to Component2 everything is nice. However when I navigate to Component2 first, the some of material styling is missing, e.g. the table lines.
How to correctly use material css in angular without using material components
How to correctly use material css in angular without using material components
The short answer is that you cannot do this. For a more thorough explanation, see Using Angular Material classes outside Angular pages.
To reiterate the points of that post, the main thing you need to understand is that <table mat-table>
is an Angular Component, whereas <table class="mat-table">
is just a <table>
with a class. When you use the component, you get all of the encapsulated style that belongs to the component only, not just style defined in the global style sheet for the class "mat-table". Of course, as stated in the link, style is style, css is just css, so using the material classes will do something, but it won't do everything you probably want.