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FileMaker 17 API -- sort by recordId instead of fieldName

I'm using curl to connect a FileMaker 17 database.

I can do a query and sort on a given fieldName, so for instance, I can do something like:

    {"fieldName": "Work State","sortOrder": "ascend"},

What I cannot do, but what I'd like to do is something like:

    {"fieldName": "recordId","sortOrder": "ascend"},

recordId is not a "field", and so the above does not work. The syntax for this is not readily apparent in the FM documentation.


  • I'm going to answer my own question, by saying that it's impossible to descend sort on a record ID within filemaker. Having to add another field is a workable solution, but in terms of the goal of documenting code in API it is not possible to descend sort on a record ID