This is related to ruby gem ruby-smpp, which I'm using for my project.
I have a string of bytes \u0000\xE0\u0000\xE2\u0000\xE1\u0000\xE8\u0000\xEA\u0000\xE9\u0000\xE7
. It represents the body of a message in French received (i.e. MO, or mobile-originating) message. The actual content of this message is àâáèêéç
. Just wondering how to convert \u0000\xE0\u0000\xE2\u0000\xE1\u0000\xE8\u0000\xEA\u0000\xE9\u0000\xE7
to àâáèêéç
in Ruby.
I've tried
=> "\x00\x02\x01\b\n\t\a"
['E0','E2','E1','E8', 'EA', 'E9', 'E7'].pack('H*')
=> "\xE0"
Both are wrong.
Thanks in advance!
Looks like your string is UTF-16BE encoded:
str = "\u0000\xE0\u0000\xE2\u0000\xE1\u0000\xE8\u0000\xEA\u0000\xE9\u0000\xE7"
str.encode('UTF-8', 'UTF-16BE')
#=> "àâáèêéç"