I am carrying out an analysis to visualize the distribution of weights for a pre-trained model available online. Its a Resnet18 model trained on CIFAR10.
I have the following code to restore the model from meta
and ckpt
and then I try to create a histogram of all the weights
and bias
of the convolution layers using tf.summary.histogram
`with tf.Session(graph=tf.Graph()) as sess:
read=tf.train.import_meta_graph(self.paths[0], clear_devices=True)
read.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.paths[1]))
except ValueError:
read.restore(sess, self.paths[1])
except Exception as e:
# Summaries of weights
summ_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(self.sum_path, sess.graph)
fp_summaries = []
for lys in tf.trainable_variables():
lay_nam = lys.name.split("/")[-2]
if 'kernel' in lys.name:
with tf.name_scope(lay_nam+'_hist'):
tf_w_hist = tf.summary.histogram('Weights', tf.reshape(lys.eval(), [-1]))
if 'bias' in lys.name:
with tf.name_scope(lay_nam+'_hist'):
tf_b_hist = tf.summary.histogram('Bias', lys.eval())
tf_fp_summaries = tf.summary.merge(fp_summaries)
# Run the graph
output, _=sess.run([softmax, tf_fp_summaries], feed_dict={x: self.x_test[0:100, ]})
However, the log events stored in folder is storing only the main graph. The histograms are not seen on tensorboard
. What might be going wrong here ?
It's not enough to pass the merged summary node to sess.run
. You need to take that evaluated result and pass it to the add_summary
method of your FileWriter
# evaluate the merged summary node in the graph
output, summ = sess.run([softmax, tf_fp_summaries], ...)
# explicitly write to file
summ_writer.add_summary(summ, global_step)
# optional, force to write to disk