I have a 3 million records table called "transactions" .
CREATE TABLE transactions(
lookupAId int(6) NOT NULL,
updateDate TIMESTAMP
In the worst case the user will specify no filters and the query would looks like this :
select * from transactions
join lookupA on (well indexed columns)
.. ( 12 lookup table joins)
order by updateDate limit 500
Without the order by clause the query runs in milliseconds, but with the order by it takes about a minute. The table is projected to grow to 12-15 million records.
I run MySql 5.7 in xLarge memory optimized RDS instance in AWS
UPDATE 1 updateDate has a time component and is indexed (B-tree, non-unique)
Update 2 This worked , although I don't know why
SELECT * FROM (select * from transactions order by updateDate) transactions
join lookupA on (well indexed columns)
.. ( 12 lookup table joins)
limit 500
MySQL is probably doing a lot of work on the query before limiting the query size with limit. This seems to be a known weakness of MySQL.
Try doing the select from transactions in a subquery to limit the result set size before doing the joins.
SELECT * FROM (select * from transactions order by updateDate limit 500) transactions
join lookupA on (well indexed columns)
.. ( 12 lookup table joins)