I have the following CSR object in Kubernetes:
$ kubectl get csr
test-certificate-0.my-namespace 53m system:serviceaccount:my-namespace:some-user Pending
And I would like to approve it using the Python API client:
from kuberentes import config, client
# configure session
# get a hold of the certs API
certs_api = client.CertificatesV1beta1Api()
# read my CSR
csr = certs_api.read_certificate_signing_request("test-certificate-0.my-namespace")
Now, the contents of the csr
object are:
{'api_version': 'certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1',
'kind': 'CertificateSigningRequest',
'metadata': {'annotations': None,
'cluster_name': None,
'creation_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 15, 14, 36, 28, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'deletion_grace_period_seconds': None,
'name': 'test-certificate-0.my-namespace',
'namespace': None,
'owner_references': None,
'resource_version': '4269575',
'self_link': '/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/certificatesigningrequests/test-certificate-0.my-namespace',
'uid': 'b818fa4e-472f-11e9-a394-124b379b4e12'},
'spec': {'extra': None,
'groups': ['system:serviceaccounts',
'request': 'redacted',
'uid': 'd5bfde1b-4036-11e9-a394-124b379b4e12',
'usages': ['digital signature', 'key encipherment', 'server auth'],
'username': 'system:serviceaccount:test-certificate-0.my-namespace'},
'status': {'certificate': 'redacted',
'conditions': [{'last_update_time': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 15, 15, 13, 32, tzinfo=tzutc()),
'message': 'This CSR was approved by kubectl certificate approve.',
'reason': 'KubectlApprove',
'type': 'Approved'}]}}
I would like to approve this cert programmatically, if I use kubectl to do it with (-v=10
will make kubectl
output the http trafffic):
kubectl certificate approve test-certificate-0.my-namespace -v=10
I get to see the PUT
operation used to Approve my certificate:
PUT https://my-kubernetes-cluster.com:8443/apis/certificates.k8s.io/v1beta1/certificatesigningrequests/test-certificate-0.my-namespace/approval
So I need to PUT
to the /approval
resource of the certificate object. Now, how do I do it with the Python Kubernetes client?
Here's to answer my question based on @jaxxstorm answer and my own investigation:
# Import required libs and configure your client
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from kubernetes import config, client
# this is the name of the CSR we want to Approve
name = 'my-csr'
# a reference to the API we'll use
certs_api = client.CertificatesV1beta1Api()
# obtain the body of the CSR we want to sign
body = certs_api.read_certificate_signing_request_status(name)
# create an approval condition
approval_condition = client.V1beta1CertificateSigningRequestCondition(
message='This certificate was approved by Python Client API',
# patch the existing `body` with the new conditions
# you might want to append the new conditions to the existing ones
body.status.conditions = [approval_condition]
# patch the Kubernetes object
response = certs_api.replace_certificate_signing_request_approval(name, body)
After this, the KubeCA will approve and issue the new certificate. The issued certificate file can be obtained from the response
object we just got:
import base64
base64.b64decode(response.status.certificate) # this will return the decoded cert