Using Maya's cmds (python) how can i check if the user has a Locator selected, and then get that locators Transform?
I tried using this, but im not to familiar with maya python...
nodes = cmds.filterExpand(sm=22) # check if user has a locator selected
if not len(nodes) == 1:
# not sure if this is the proper method to use, can i pass in my nodes from the method above like i have written?
tm =[0], sl=True, transforms=True)
# ... from here i can work on TM assuming it's the transform ex. Locator1
You can use a simple list comprehension to collect all selected transforms that have locator shapes like so:
[obj for obj in if cmds.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True, type="locator")]
To break it down,
will return a list of all selected objects. Then to filter that we can use cmds.listRelatives
to check if the transform has any shapes as locators, and if so, collect it.