There is at
lens for Map
/etc in Control.Lens.At
. But is any lens similar to at
for association list type [(k, v)]
(which is convertible to map)?
I don't know of one that's provided for you, but at
belongs to the typeclass At
, so we could certainly write it ourselves. To avoid having to get our hands dirty with flexible (and possibly overlapping) instance extensions, we'll do this in a newtype.
newtype AList k v = AList [(k, v)]
First, we need a couple of family instances.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type instance IxValue (AList k v) = v
type instance Index (AList k v) = k
This just defines what the "key" and "value" is in our new type, which is straightforward. Now, we need to be able to read and write values at a specific key. Haskell already gives us a way to read values (Data.List.lookup
), but we have to make the writing function ourselves. Nothing fancy or lens-y here: just ordinary old Haskell filters and maps.
replaceAt :: Eq k => k -> Maybe v -> AList k v -> AList k v
replaceAt k Nothing (AList m) = AList $ filter (\(k', _) -> k /= k') m
replaceAt k (Just v) (AList m) =
case lookup k m of
Nothing ->
-- Not present in the list; add it
AList ((k, v) : m)
Just _ ->
-- Present; replace it
AList $ map (\(k', v') -> if k == k' then (k', v) else (k', v')) m
Now we need to write the At
instance, which depends on the Ixed
instance. Fortunately, the lens library provides a default implementation for Ixed
as long as we're implementing At
, so the first instance declaration is simple.
instance Eq k => Ixed (AList k v)
Writing at
is fairly straightforward as well. Just look at the types and follow your nose a bit, and the implementation you arrive at is the one we want.
instance Eq k => At (AList k v) where
at k f (AList m) = fmap (\v' -> replaceAt k v' (AList m)) $ f (lookup k m)
And we're done. Now at
will work for AList
. If the newtype wrapper bothers you, you could pretty easily make a new function (at'
, if you will) that does the newtype wrapping/unwrapping for you.
Proving that this instance satisfies the lens laws is left as an exercise to the reader.
Complete code
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Control.Lens.At
import Data.List(lookup)
newtype AList k v = AList [(k, v)]
type instance IxValue (AList k v) = v
type instance Index (AList k v) = k
replaceAt :: Eq k => k -> Maybe v -> AList k v -> AList k v
replaceAt k Nothing (AList m) = AList $ filter (\(k', _) -> k /= k') m
replaceAt k (Just v) (AList m) =
case lookup k m of
Nothing ->
-- Not present in the list; add it
AList ((k, v) : m)
Just _ ->
-- Present; replace it
AList $ map (\(k', v') -> if k == k' then (k', v) else (k', v')) m
-- Just take the default implementation here.
instance Eq k => Ixed (AList k v)
instance Eq k => At (AList k v) where
at k f (AList m) = fmap (\v' -> replaceAt k v' (AList m)) $ f (lookup k m)