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Monkey patching ActiveStorage::Attachment gets lost

So I decided to add an url attr_accessor to ActiveStorage::Attachment objects.

In development the patch holds for a while until it seems to "have been lost". Meaning it works for few minutes, then it does not work anymore. Then I need to restart the server in order to get the patch applied again. I believe I am not patching correctly and I would need advises in that mater.

Here is what I tried:


First try :

module ActiveStorageUrl
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    attr_accessor :url

ActiveStorage::Attachment.send :include, ActiveStorageUrl

Second try

class ActiveStorage::Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
  attr_accessor :url

And by the way in both case it's loaded with this:


require 'ext/active_storage/attachment'

So when it work I have no error message, but after a while the patch "diseapear" (lacking better terms), and I get the following error, telling me my attr_accessor is not there anymore. Rails must have reloaded ActiveStorage classes and my patch is lost.

Module::DelegationError in Products#images
url delegated to blob, but blob is nil


  • You are probably losing your monkey patch because the code gets reloaded and your ext/active_storage/attachment isn't re-required.

    You can tell Rails to run a callback at startup and every time code is reloaded like this.

    Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
      require 'ext/active_storage/attachment'