i have this problem
With py2neo how can I create a relationship between 2 existing nodes in my database select them using the id. In the py2neo documentation I find only examples that create the nodes at the moment and associate them directly with merge
I try this in my code:
db = conn()
data = DataFrame(db.run("MATCH (n:personalesanitario) RETURN ID(n) LIMIT 100").data())
x = 0
WORKIN = Relationship.type("WORKIN")
while (x <= 99):
n1 = db.evaluate("MATCH (n:personalesanitario) WHERE ID(n) = $id RETURN 1",parameters = {'id':int(data['ID(n)'][x])})
n2 = db.evaluate("MATCH (n:reparti) WHERE ID(n) = $id RETURN 1",parameters = {'id':randint(101,109)})
x = x+1
Change return 1
to Return n
in those two queries.
It's not returning node but string.