I need to verify xml textvalue of an element in my xml as show below, so far I got the value of all the dmdindex:field but I just need the last one drep.rightsFacet result output. Keep in mind that xmllint version I have does not have xpath so I have to resort to xmllint --shell. Any help is appreciated.
here's the xml file snippet:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dmdindex:dmdindex xmlns:dmdindex="http://www.example.com/example/dmdindex/"
<dmdindex:field name="drep.yearStart">1881</dmdindex:field>
<dmdindex:field name="drep.pubConcat">[Detroit : Parke, Davis & Co., 1881?]</dmdindex:field>
<dmdindex:field name="drep.rights">blahblahblah</dmdindex:field>
<dmdindex:field name="drep.rightsLink">https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/</dmdindex:field>
<dmdindex:field name="drep.rightsFacet">Public domain</dmdindex:field>
here's the command I used
echo "cat //*[local-name()='dmdindex']/*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='field']" | xmllint --shell example.xml | sed '/^\/ >/d' | sed 's/<[^>]*.//g'
which returned
Philadelphia : Sunshine Press, [1897]
Public domain
I only need to grab the value of "Public domain" and ignore the rest. thanks!
You can add a predicate to your xpath to test the value of the name
echo "cat //*[local-name()='dmdindex']/*[local-name()='record']/*[local-name()='field'][@name='drep.rightsFacet']/text()" | xmllint --shell example.xml | sed '/^\/ >/d'