I the project I have a struct that has one member of type unsigned int array
) like below
typedef uint8_t U8;
typedef struct {
/* other members */
U8 Data[8];
} Frame;
a pointer to a variable of type Frame
is received that during debug I see it as below in console of VS2017
/* the function signatur */
void converter(Frame* frm){...}
frm->Data 0x20f1feb0 "6þx}\x1òà... unsigned char[8] // in debug console
now I want to assign it to an 8byte string
I did it like below, but it concatenates the numeric values of the array and results in something like "541951901201251242224"
std::string temp;
for (unsigned char i : frm->Data)
temp += std::to_string(i);
also tried const std::string temp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(frm->Data, 8));
which throws exception
In your original cast const std::string temp(reinterpret_cast<char*>(frm->Data, 8));
you put the closing parenthesis in the wrong place, so that it ends up doing reinterpret_cast<char*>(8)
and that is the cause of the crash.
std::string temp(reinterpret_cast<char const*>(frm->Data), sizeof frm->Data);