I have used two router-outlet in a component. Navigation for routing is working fine for me. But I want to give routing path properly. Now I am facing unexpected routing path.
The following is my app.component.html
<h2>Details </h2>
<a [routerLink]="[{ outlets: { chart: 'line',range: 'line' } }]"> Line </a>
<a [routerLink]="[{ outlets: { chart: ['area'], range: ['area'] } }]">Area</a>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<router-outlet name='chart'></router-outlet>
<div class="column">
<router-outlet name="range"></router-outlet>
Now I am getting routing path as http://localhost:4200/(chart:line//range:line). But I need a routing path as http://localhost:4200/line.
I have used the following routes in my app-routing.module.ts
const routes: Routes = [
path: 'line',
component: LineChartComponent,
outlet: 'chart'
path: 'line',
component: LineRangeComponent,
outlet: 'range'
path: 'area',
component: AreaChartComponent,
outlet: 'chart'
path: 'area',
component: AreaRangeComponent,
outlet: 'range'
Can anyone suggest me to how I can acheive my expected routing path?
Thanks in advance.
I recommend you merge 2 outlets into 1. And create wrapper component to contain both components (Range and Chart) and use that wrapper component in router configuration instead.