I have a list which contains and a single and multi-word token.
brand_list = ['ibm','microsoft','abby softwate', 'tata computer services']
I need to search any of these words present in a title string. I am able to find a single word. But for a multi-word token, my code fails. Here is my code. Please help me out. Here is my solution.
import string
def check_firm(test_title):
translator = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)
title = test_title.translate(translator)
if any(one_word.lower() in title.lower().split(' ') for one_word in brand_list):
status_code_value = 0
print("OEM word found")
status_code_value = 1
print("OEM word not found")
print("current value of status code ------------>", status_code_value)
Change this:
if any(one_word.lower() in title.lower().split(' ') for one_word in brand_list):
to this:
if title.lower() in brand_list:
import string
brand_list = ['ibm','Microsoft','abby softwate', 'TATA computer services']
brand_list = [x.lower() for x in brand_list] # ['ibm', 'microsoft', 'abby softwate',
# 'tata computer services']
def check_firm(test_title):
translator = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)
title = test_title.translate(translator)
if title.lower() in brand_list:
status_code_value = 0
print("OEM word found")
status_code_value = 1
print("OEM word not found")
print("current value of status code ------------>", status_code_value)
check_firm('Tata Computer SERVICES')
check_firm('Khan trading Co.')
OEM word found
current value of status code ------------> 0
OEM word found
current value of status code ------------> 0
OEM word not found
current value of status code ------------> 1
Note: I converted all the elements in the list to
brand_list = [x.lower() for x in brand_list]
This will ensure the comparison is made correctly.
OP: but my input tile is title string. for example "Tata Computer SERVICES made a profit of x dollars". In that case, how can we find the string?
In such case, I would opt for splitting the string before passing to the function:
inp_st1 = 'iBM'
inp_st2 = 'Tata Computer SERVICES made a profit of x dollars'
inp_st3 = 'Khan trading Co.'
check_firm(" ".join(inp_st2.split()[:3])) # Tata Computer SERVICES