Hi I have a SSRS Report in which i get a table report.
║ Company Name ║ Customer Count ║ Employee Count ║
║ Company A ║ 1000 ║ 50 ║
║ Company B ║ 2000 ║ 100 ║
║ Company C ║ 3000 ║ 150 ║
I want to go to report by Company Name.
Suppose if User click on Company A
Then it should go to Report CompanyAReport
If i click on Company B
it should redirect to CompanyBReport
To Achieve this scenario you have to create a separate report which will load details of the company. So another report which might be drill down report of the company which gives list all Employees or customers of the company.
And you have to put the link on your report to redirect to another report with the parameters like.
In your report there will be tablix in which you will display all companies data. In that tablix textbox for CompanyName you have to open the property window like in below image.
in above image for textbox property there will be Action tab in that you can set action (href) where you want to redirect when user clicks on company name. You can also set the parameters of the report that you need to pass to open that report.