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Show *ngFor items one by one Ionic 4

I have a JSON object and I want to show the items one by one. When I use the Angular *ngFor all the items show on the screen. I want to show the first one and when I click the button show the next one until the last. I have tried using Angular *ngIf but I failed.

  <ion-buttons slot="start">
  <ion-icon size="large" color="warning" name="arrow-round-back" 

<ion-content padding>    
<ion-card *ngFor="let w of warmup;">
    <img src="{{w.url}}">
<ion-button slot="end" size="small" (click)="done">DONE</ion-button>

You can also see an image of what I mean:

enter image description here


  • try to use angular slicePipe

    create a noOfItem = 1 in your component ts

    *ngFor="let w of warmup | slice:0:noOfItem"

    Then control the noOfItem based on your logic