I have a batch program that executes commands from distinct libraries. The problem is that those libraries finish console automatically when they're executed.
It seems that pause
command doesn't work because probably those libraries will have they're own exit
command. I tried with the command cmd /k
that I found on google, but it doesn't works too.
echo 1) Desc 1
echo 2) Desc 2
set /p option=Enter an option:
IF "%option%"=="1" (
rem this is an example of library that exit console after being executed
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env development
IF "%option%"=="2" (
pm2 monit
goto start
The main idea is if there's any method or param to avoid closing the console with those kind of libraries without editing the proper libraries.
Using the command call
before the methods will work:
echo 1) Desc 1
echo 2) Desc 2
set /p option=Enter an option:
IF "%option%"=="1" (
rem this is an example of library that exit console after being executed
call pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --env development
IF "%option%"=="2" (
call pm2 monit
goto start