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Facebook page iFrame display problem in Boostrap Template while using Laravel as backend to send iframe code

I am using a bootstrap template. I want to display a Facebook page iFrame in sidebar. I am using following iFrame code which is generated by Facebook Page Plugin. Here is the code:

<iframe src="" width="270" height="540" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe>

It works fine and display Page iFrame if I directly put this code in the template. However, If I upload this code from backend and retrieve this code in the same place, it doesn't show the iFrame. It shows the raw code!

Here is the image. in the top, I have placed direct code and in the bottom I have retrieved code from MySQL database.

enter image description here

Here is the Laravel code by which I am trying to display the iFrame.

    {{ $facebookpage->code }}


  • You need to escape the HTML in your Blade like so

        {!! $facebookpage->code !!}