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How to set a header with static middleware in Scotty?

Suppose I have a serving of static files, but they are without extension. I want to set header "Content-Type: image/png" for all of them which are serving from "some/" (1st rule). How to do it in this code?

import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
import Web.Scotty

routes :: Scotty M ()
routes = do
  middleware $ staticPolicy $
    contains "some/" >-> (addBase "/something/files/")
    addBase "/elsewhere/"

I tried this:

setContentType :: Middleware
setContentType = modifyResponse $ mapResponseHeaders 
(("Content-Type", "image/png"):)

reqInfixedWith :: Text -> Request -> Bool
reqInfixedWith str req =
  isInfixOf str $ convertString $ rawQueryString req


-- in routes
  middleware $ ifRequest (reqInfixedWith "some/") setContentType

and checked with Debug.Trace request's path, query string - all are empty, while actual request is "...:8080/some/somefile".

What is the correct way to do it?


  • You want the addHeader function from Web.Scotty:

    addHeader :: Text -> Text -> ActionM ()


    {-#Language OverloadedStrings#-}
    import           Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
    import           Web.Scotty
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
      scotty 3000 $ do
        middleware static
        get "/some/:file" $ do
          f <- param "file"
          addHeader "Content-Type" "image/png"
          file f

    A request to http://localhost:3000/some/image yields a file named "image" with a content type of image/png:

    enter image description here