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Protege OWL DataProperty on ObjectProperty

I am trying to express this one:

Manchester distance from London is 335 km.

I have created class city and now I am thinking to create and objectProperty hasDistance with Domain City and Range City.

But where can I declare the real distance for it?


  • This is in actual fact an example of an n-ary relation. In such a case the relation is modelled as a class rather than a property. For this purpose, let us assume we introduce a class DistanceBetweenTwoCities. Hence, one way to model this is as follows:

    Class: City
    Class: DistanceBetweenTwoCities
    ObjectProperty: hasCity1
        Domain: DistanceBetweenTwoCities    
        Range: City
    ObjectProperty: hasCity2
        Domain: DistanceBetweenTwoCities
        Range: City
    DataProperty: hasDistance
        Domain: DistanceBetweenTwoCities
        Range: xsd:integer

    To now state the distance between London and Manchester:

    Individual: distanceLondonToManchester
         hasCity1  london,
         hasCity2  manchester,
         hasDistance  335
    Individual: london
        Types: City
    Individual: manchester
        Types: City

    Note: Strictly speaking it is not necessary to introduce two different properties hasCity1 and hasCity2. We could have used only hasCity. I only introduced 2 properties to make the n-ary relation a bit more obvious.

    Update 20190320

    If you have another distance you have to present you can add another individual of type DistanceBetweenTwoCities:

    Individual: distanceLondonToAthens
          hasCity1  london,
          hasCity2  athens,
          hasDistance  3000
    Individual: athens
         Types: City