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Bootstrap datepicker: Focus without opening

I'm using a bootstrap datepicker and jQuery validate. I have jquery validate set to focus on the input when the field is empty & required.

With bootstrap datepicker however, the focus event causes the calendar to open. Which is not ideal in my situation. I'm wondering if there is a way to focus, but pass through a preventDefault or something like that?

I made a jsfiddle. Basically, is it possible to click the button to focus on the element, but not have the calendar open? The primary purpose of the focus is to scroll the page so the user can see the required element.

$("#myButton").click(function () {
   //Some code to prevent default here?  Possibly disable datepicker before .focus event

I guess one possible solution would be to disable the datepicker, then do my jQuery.validate(), then re-enable the datepicker. I feel like there's a better way though...

FYI Here is a similar question: Set focus on Jquery datepicker on datepicker close, without opening datepicker


  • You could just hide the datepicker after the focus:

    $("#myButton").click(function () {