I am working with ordered pairs of type unsigned typedef pair<unsigned, unsigned> OP;
, and sets of ordered pairs typedef set<OP> SOP
The ultimate goal of my program is to check if the set(relation) is an equivalence relation.
My problem: I have managed to check if a set is reflexive but currently I am trying to check if an ordered pair in the set (relation) is symmetric. I have currently constructed two for loops to compare the ordered pairs against each other but have struck a dead end in my comparison.
My code:
for (auto it3 = sop.begin(); it3 != sop.end(); it3++) { // loop through each pair in set
for (auto it4 = sop.begin(); it4 != sop.end(); it4++) { // compare with other pairs
// make sure first and second items in pair are different
while (it3->first != it3->second) {
//If the case is that there is not an instance of
//symmetric relation return false
if (!((it3->first == it4->second) && (it3->second == it4->first))) {
return false;
Your looping logic is completely flawed.
The inner while does not change neither it3 nor it4. So either it will return false or it will loop forever. In addition, the inner for loop doesn't take advantege of the fact that sets are ordered.
The test you are looking for is much simpler
It is sufficient to loop on sop
, and check for every item if the symmetric is in the set as well. If one is not, it's not a symmetric relationship. If all succeed to find the reverse, it's fine:
bool is_symetric (SOP sop) {
for (auto it3 = sop.begin(); it3 != sop.end(); it3++) { // loop through each pair in set
if (it3->first != it3->second) {
if (sop.find({it3->second,it3->first })==sop.end()) {
return false;
return true;
There's even a cooler solution if you're allowed to use the algorithm library:
bool is_symetric (SOP sop) {
return all_of(sop.cbegin(), sop.cend(),
[&sop](auto &x){ return x.first==x.second || sop.find({x.second,x.first })!=sop.end();}) ;
And even cooler, is if you make it a template, able to work not only with unsigned, but with any other type:
template <class T>
bool is_symetric (set<pair<T,T>> sop) {
return all_of(sop.cbegin(), sop.cend(),
[&sop](auto &x){ return x.first==x.second || sop.find({x.second,x.first })!=sop.end();}) ;