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PCA with ellipsis without colour in R

I'm trying to make a PCA plot for publication. That means without colours. However, all packages I have tried color the plot in the moment that you tell it to group the categories of the data.

I have already tried the packages: ggbiplot, ggfortify and factoextra. Unfortunaly, with no success.

On code that I have tried (from here):

mtcars.pca <- prcomp(mtcars[,c(1:7,10,11)], center = TRUE,scale. = TRUE)


ggbiplot(mtcars.pca, labels=rownames(mtcars)) <- c(rep("Japan", 3), rep("US",4), rep("Europe", 7),rep("US",3), "Europe", rep("Japan", 3), rep("US",4), rep("Europe", 3), "US", rep("Europe", 3))

ggbiplot(mtcars.pca,ellipse=TRUE,  labels=rownames(mtcars),

And return This image

But I what I need is something: like this

Hope I was clear enough.


  • The answer of @SantiagoCapobianco has all of the pieces but does not put them together.

    Using dataEllipse from the car package goes all of the way with the right arguments.

    library(car) <- factor(
    dataEllipse(mtcars.pca$x[,1], mtcars.pca$x[,2],, 
        levels=0.8, xlim=c(-5,5), ylim=c(-4,4), center.pch=0,
        col=rep("black", 3), pch=15:17)
    legend("topleft", legend=levels(, pch=15:17, bty='n')

    Data Ellipses