Search code examples

Display a WooCommerce coupon input field anywhere with a shortcode

I have a small project on what I need to insert Woocommerce coupon field into any page, but this seems complicated for me. I searched on Google about this, but don't have any resources about this. Found this codes about inserting field.

Inserted into a text block this code:

<div class="redeem-coupon">
<form id="ajax-coupon-redeem">
        <input type="text" name="coupon" id="coupon"/>
        <input type="submit" name="redeem-coupon" value="Redeem Offer" />
    <p class="result"></p>
</form><!-- #ajax-coupon-redeem -->

And this generate the form, but don't have other code that will handle this into page?

Is possible to generate via shortcode or something?


  • The following custom Shortcode, will display a text imput field (with a submit button) where user can enter a coupon code to be applied.

    Usage: [coupon_field] or in Php code echo do_shortcode("[coupon_field]");

    The code:

    add_shortcode( 'coupon_field', 'display_coupon_field' );
    function display_coupon_field() {
        if( isset($_GET['coupon']) && isset($_GET['redeem-coupon']) ){
            if( $coupon = esc_attr($_GET['coupon']) ) {
                $applied = WC()->cart->apply_coupon($coupon);
            } else {
                $coupon = false;
            $success = sprintf( __('Coupon "%s" Applied successfully.'), $coupon );
            $error   = __("This Coupon can't be applied");
            $message = isset($applied) && $applied ? $success : $error;
        $output  = '<div class="redeem-coupon"><form id="coupon-redeem">
        <p><input type="text" name="coupon" id="coupon"/>
        <input type="submit" name="redeem-coupon" value="'.__('Redeem Offer').'" /></p>';
        $output .= isset($coupon) ? '<p class="result">'.$message.'</p>' : '';
        return $output . '</form></div>';

    Code goes on function.php file of your active child theme (or theme). Tested and works.

    It displays a success or an error message, once applying a coupon.

    enter image description here