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Python / rq - How to pass information from the caller to the worker?

I want to use rq to run tasks on a separate worker to gather data from a measuring instrument. The end of the task will be signaled by a user pressing a button on a dash app. The problem is that the task itself does not know when to terminate since it doesn't have access to the dash app's context.

I already use meta to pass information from the worker back to the caller but can I pass information from the caller to the worker?

Example task:

from rq import get_current_job
from time import time

def mock_measurement():
    job = get_current_job()
    t_start = time()

    # Run the measurement
    t = []
    i = []
    job.meta['should_stop'] = False # I want to use this tag to tell the job to stop
    while not job.meta['should_stop']:
        t.append(time() - t_start)
        job.meta['data'] = (t, i)
    print("Job Finished")

From the console, I can start a job as such

queue = rq.Queue('test-app', connection=Redis('localhost', 6379))
job = queue.enqueue('tasks.mock_measurement')

and I would like to be able to do this from the console to signify to the worker it can stop running:

job.meta['should_stop'] = True

However, while the commands above return without an error, they do not actually update the meta dictionary.


  • Because you didn't fetch the updated meta. But, don't do this!! Invoking save_meta and refresh in caller and worker will lose data.

    Instead, Use job.connection.set(job + ':should_stop', 1, ex=300) to set flag, and use job.connection.get(job + ':should_stop') to check if flag is set.