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Is it possible to add a direct command to Google Assistant API?

I am working on an Arduino project and I was curious if it is possible to add a "direct command" to Google assistant on android. I've searched a bit and all I could find is having the Assistant do things like "Hey Google, let's talk to Application Name" but I think that's a little annoying to use, I wanted to know is if it's possible to add like "Hey Google do this" and it would like open a specific website. Is is possible or I'm out of luck?

Thank you!


  • You can use explicit invocation to trigger a Google Assistant action.

    The user can include an invocation phrase at the end of their invocation that will take them directly to the function they're requesting, like so:

    Explicit invocation on Google Assistant

    "Hey Google do this" would be an example of invocation that is currently only available to partners. Since Spotify has a relationship with Google, for example, users can say "Hey Google, play Despacito on Spotify." If you would like to create Actions using parnter solutions, you will need to contact support to request access and become a partner.

    As a third party developer, the closest you can get to mimicking the feature you're requesting is, "Hey Google, talk to My App Name about visiting", which could trigger an intent that would respond with a browsing carousel of links to and any other websites you would like to suggest.