I basically have 5 images in library, which I've given af linkage name as so:
head_image0, head_image1, head_image2 etc...
On Stage I have two containers which I will be loading my images into. - pictureContainer1_mc - pictureContainer2_mc
Pr default I have already loaded an image into container1.
What will happen is that, when I click menu button2, then head_image2 will load into container2 and fade up from alpha 0 -> alpha 1 - giving a transition between the two images.
After the image has alpha'ed into container2, then I run a function to swap containers, so that container1 will hold the image currently loaded and container2 will be ready to load another picture upon menu button click.
This looks like the following:
//Function receiving an ID from the button click, which we can use to load the connected image
function headerFadeIn(receivedNumber:Number):void
//Getting container2 rdy to tween from 0 -> 1
pictureContainer2_mc.alpha = 0;
//Preparing image string - linkagename
var tempName:String = "header_image" + receivedNumber;
//Loading the image into container 1
var headImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
var classDefinition:Class = getDefinitionByName(tempName) as Class;
var img:BitmapData = new classDefinition(1,1);
headImage.bitmapData = img;
//Tweening currecntly added image from 0 -> 1
//When tween is done call function onFinishTween to swap containers
TweenLite.to(pictureContainer2_mc,1,{alpha:1, ease:menuEasing, onComplete:onFinishTween});
function onFinishTween():void
//Setting currently loaded image in container 1
var headImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
var classDefinition:Class = getDefinitionByName(tempName) as Class;
var img:BitmapData = new classDefinition(1,1);
headImage.bitmapData = img;
pictureContainer2_mc.alpha = 0;
This works for me. HOWEVER I'm experiencing some "lagging" issue. When I've clicked back and forward menu buttons to change images like 15 times, then the tweening begins to "lag" and wont happen in a smooth transition.
Any calls on this? Could I do this in a smarter way?
I would suggest to create images only once, and reuse them. Also, after the tween, i would remove the old image and save it for the next time you need that image. Also, when you swap the image from container 2 into container 1, don't create a new one, just move the image from one container to the other.
Something like this, code is not tested, just to give you an idea.
var instances:Object = {};
var currentImage:String;
//Function receiving an ID from the button click, which we can use to load the connected image
function headerFadeIn(receivedNumber:Number):void
//Getting container2 rdy to tween from 0 -> 1
pictureContainer2_mc.alpha = 0;
//Preparing image string - linkagename
currentImage = "header_image" + receivedNumber;
var headImage:Bitmap = _getImage(currentImage);
//Tweening currecntly added image from 0 -> 1
//When tween is done call function onFinishTween to swap containers
TweenLite.to(pictureContainer2_mc,1,{alpha:1, ease:menuEasing, onComplete:onFinishTween});
function onFinishTween():void
//Setting currently loaded image in container 1
//cast returned DisplayObject into a Bitmap.
var headImage:Bitmap = pictureConainer2_mc.getChildByName(currentImage) as Bitmap;
pictureContainer2_mc.alpha = 0;
function _getImage(id:String):Bitmap{
if( instances[id] ) return instances[id];
//Loading the image into container 1
var headImage:Bitmap = new Bitmap();
var classDefinition:Class = getDefinitionByName(tempName) as Class;
var img:BitmapData = new classDefinition(1,1);
headImage.bitmapData = img;
instances[id] = headImage;
return headImage;