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Configure screenshot folder in Cypress

I am using Cypress as my user interface test automation framework.
Currently my folder structure for spec file (logical organization of test files) is:




and so on...
Now when I configure my screenshot folder in cypress.json to screenshots and save screenshots of failed test cases, cypress internally creates a folder structure inside screenshots folder. For instance if a test fails in footer.spec.js, it saves the screenshot in


I want to get rid of this recursive folder structure and save all screenshots inside screenshots folder (so that I can easily access these screenshots and add it to my mochawesome report).
Is there any way to do it ? Any help will be appreciated and let me know if I was unable to put my question properly. I am willing to add more information.


  • Yes, you can use the Cypress screenshot API:

    for example:

    // cypress/plugins/index.js
    const fs = require('fs')
    module.exports = (on, config) => {
      on('after:screenshot', (details) => {
        // details will look something like this:
        // {
        //   size: 10248
        //   takenAt: '2018-06-27T20:17:19.537Z'
        //   duration: 4071
        //   dimensions: { width: 1000, height: 660 }
        //   multipart: false
        //   pixelRatio: 1
        //   name: 'my-screenshot'
        //   specName: 'integration/my-spec.js'
        //   testFailure: true
        //   path: '/path/to/my-screenshot.png'
        //   scaled: true
        //   blackout: []
        // }
        // example of renaming the screenshot file
        const newPath = '/new/path/to/screenshot.png'
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          fs.rename(details.path, newPath, (err) => {
            if (err) return reject(err)
            // because we renamed/moved the image, resolve with the new path
            // so it is accurate in the test results
            resolve({ path: newPath })

    You could also create symlinks if you wanted the image in two places, for example.