I am given a character vector:
tibble(H = c("6'2\"", "5'10\"", "5'5\"", "5'1\"", "5'5\"", "5'4\""))
and I want to convert it to be in cm.
Please advise how can I do this?
There are couple of methods to use
1) Read with fread
after pasting into a single string
fread(paste(sub('"', "", df1$H), collapse="\n"), sep="'")[,
as.matrix(.SD) %*% c(30.48, 2.54)][,1]
#[1] 187.96 177.80 165.10 154.94 165.10 162.56
2) Using gsubfn
as.numeric(gsubfn("(\\d)'(\\d+)", ~ as.numeric(x) * 30.48 +
as.numeric(y) * 2.54, sub('"', '', df1$H)))
#[1] 187.96 177.80 165.10 154.94 165.10 162.56
3) with separate
df1 %>%
separate(H, into = c("H1", "H2"), convert = TRUE) %>%
transmute(H = H1 * 30.48 + H2 * 2.54)
# A tibble: 6 x 1
# H
# <dbl>
#1 188.
#2 178.
#3 165.
#4 155.
#5 165.
#6 163.
4) with measurements
df1 %>%
separate(H, into = c("H1", "H2"), convert = TRUE) %>%
transmute(H = conv_unit(H1, "ft", "cm") + conv_unit(H2, "inch", "cm"))