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Generate JAX-WS classes from WSDL file using Maven plugin with Java11

In Java 11, JAX-WS has been removed from the JDK. It prevents to generate easily JAX-WS classes with a Maven plugin using wsimport under the hood. I am using the following configuration for the Maven plugin org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin.


Is there an easy way to install wsimport or to use another plugin bundling an architecture specific wsimport to continue generating WSDL classes?


  • the new version of jaxws-maven-plugin (link) can generate Java classes with Java 11, using the plugin as follows:


    An alternative plugin can also be the cxf-codegen-plugin from Apache CXF (link)


    If you want to use the newer JakartaEE 9.0+ packages, you need to use the following plugin, keeping the same configurations:


    and for jaxb:
