I have a array of object, like this:
var obj = [{
employeeId: 1300000,
requestValue: 2
}, {
employeeId: 1300000,
requestValue: 3
}, {
employeeId: 1300001,
requestValue: 4
I know how to do it in javascript. But, How can I a retrieve the following result using Lodash:
var result = {
1300000: [
{ requestValue: 2 },
{ requestValue: 3 }
1300001: [
{ requestValue: 4 }
Using Lodash:
Here is the example:
let input = [{"employeeId":1300000,"requestValue":2},{"employeeId":1300000,"requestValue":3},{"employeeId":1300001,"requestValue":4}],
res = _(input)
.mapValues(g => _.map(g, ({requestValue}) => ({requestValue})))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.17.11/lodash.min.js"></script>
Using Plain JavaScript
, if exist use it otherwise create the key value pair with
a empty arrayrequestValue
let input = [{"employeeId":1300000,"requestValue":2},{"employeeId":1300000,"requestValue":3},{"employeeId":1300001,"requestValue":4}],
res = input.reduce((r, {employeeId, requestValue})=> {
(r[employeeId] = r[employeeId] || []).push({requestValue});
return r;
}, {});