There are many topics in Stackoverflow on AutoSklearn errors.
but each error is different and each environment is different
I have windows 10 64-bit
I installed Anaconda3
When I try to follow these steps
Step 1 :
curl | xargs -n 1 -L 1 pip install
I get this error
'xargs' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
How to fix that?
When I try the 2nd step
pip install auto-sklearn
ValueError: Detected unsupported operating system: win32. Please check the compability information of auto-sklearn:
which i think it is due to the step 1 fail.
anyone can help me fixing this error?
AutoSklearn is built for unix systems only. If you see first line in System requirement here, it is Linux operating system.
The reason is resource module is only available in linux system. Find details about it on