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Cluster terminates but works locally

I am trying to deploy a spark job (using pyspark librairies : ML) on aws EMR. I want to create a simple cluster with a single instance, to understand how EMR works.

I create the cluster with the console with the following configuration :

spark-submit --deploy-mode cluster s3://bucket/key/

My step fails with a bunch of error logs that I struggle to understand besides this on :

  File "", line 261
df ="Perimetre", *target_exprs, *window_exprs, "rn")

SyntaxError: invalid syntax            

Which I don't understand since it's working locally on my machine.

Here is the code :

window_exprs = [df.power_prod[i] for i in range(w*sample_week)]
df ="Perimetre", *target_exprs, *window_exprs, "rn")

Any idea ? I can add other log files if necessary.


  • As @user10938362 pointed out, even though EMR supports python up to version 3.6, version 2.x is the default one installed on instances.

    To set up python 3 as default version, you can add the following code in the "Edit Software / Enter configuration".

         "Classification": "spark-env",
         "Configurations": [
             "Classification": "export",
             "Properties": {
                "PYSPARK_PYTHON": "/usr/bin/python3"

    All python versions issues will be solved.