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How to Integrate ABBYY in Ionic 4?

I want to integrate ABBYY Real-Time Recognition plugin in my Ionic 4 app. Here is the link.

Their documentation is quite incomplete. Visited this cordova npmjs link also but go error while building android app.

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugCompileClasspath'. Could not find :abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0:.

Any help would be much appreciated thanks!


  • I get workout of it with doing below in project folder.

    Download sdk from rtrsdk site and extract it.

    You will find libs > abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar file on it.

    We have to put it under platforms > libs > android > abbyy-rtr-sdk-1.0.aar

    Now try to make build.

    Please watch video tutorial for same.