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mat-select long option value

How can i handle long value in mat-select?

Can i add horizontal scroll?
or can i make the long option value to be 2 line?

i have tried add virtual-scroll class what i got from here, but i got error

<mat-select formControlName="fieldOfWork" placeholder="Pilih bidang pekerjaan"  class="virtual-scroll" required>
   <mat-option [value]="null">Pilih bidang pekerjaan</mat-option>
   <mat-option *ngFor="let fieldOfWork of fieldOfWorks" [value]="fieldOfWork?.value">

How to Handle the following ? enter image description here


  • Add the following to your style.css file

    .mat-option-text {
      overflow: auto;
      text-overflow: unset;

    Stackblitz Demo showing horizontal Scroll bar inside option