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C# Picturebox transparent background doesn't seem to work

For a project of mine I need images to display with a transparent background. I made some .png images that have a transparent background(to check this I opened them in Photoshop). Now I have a class that extends PictureBox:

class Foo : PictureBox
    public Foo(int argument)
        : base()
        Console.WriteLine(argument);//different in the real application of course.
        //MyProject.Properties.Resources.TRANSPARENCYTEST.MakeTransparent(MyProject.Properties.Resources.TRANSPARENCYTEST.GetPixel(1,1)); //<-- also tried this
        this.Image = MyProject.Properties.Resources.TRANSPARENCYTEST;
        ((Bitmap)this.Image).MakeTransparent(((Bitmap)this.Image).GetPixel(1, 1));
        this.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;
        this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

this however just displays the picturebox with a white background, I just can't seem to make it work with a transparent background.


  • It probably works perfectly. You are seeing what's behind the picture box control. Which is the form. Whose BackColor is probably white. You can set the form's BackgroundImage property to be sure, you should see the image through the picture box. Like this:

    enter image description here

    Punching a hole through both the picture box and the form requires a bigger weapon, Form.TransparencyKey