I've got Profile class with ManyToMany relation "links" and Link class. I need to build DQL query to get all links for a some Profile without reverse relation (link->profile).
First idea was to simple use "MEMBER OF" but looks like it is not possible without direct relation.
MEMEBER OF is building subquery sql. Maybe there is a way to do something similar?
I can`t just use
SELECT l FROM Profile p LEFT JOIN p.links l WHERE p.user = :user
but i can do:
SELECT e FROM Link WHERE e.id IN (SELECT l FROM Profile p LEFT JOIN p.links l WHERE p.user = :user)
so i have this SQL generated:
SELECT ... FROM Link t0_
WHERE t0_.id IN (
SELECT t1_.id FROM Profile a2_
LEFT JOIN profile_link p3_ ON a2_.user_id = p3_.profile_user_id
LEFT JOIN Link t1_ ON t1_.id = p3_.link_id
WHERE a2_.user_id = ?
is there any way to build subquery directly to table profile_link without profile join?
Something like:
SELECT ... FROM Link t0_
WHERE t0_.id IN (
SELECT l.link_id FROM profile_link l
WHERE l.profile_id = :user
P.S. there is no need to use Profile table.
profile_link.profile_id = profile.user_id = user.id = :user
i need a DQL query builder to build more complex query with filter/sorter/grouper support. I cant use native query here or modify Entity class. Maybe some kind of custom DQL function can solve it.
I give up.
ManyToMany realtion is simple pair of OneToMany realtions, so i created class to represent it.
class ProfileLink{
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Profile")
protected $profile;
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="Link")
protected $link;
Now i can use DQL without reverse part on Link class
SELECT p FROM ProfileLink LEFT JOIN p.link WHERE p.profile = :user_id;