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django templates string formatting

I want to pad and cut too long chars. So I used stringformat. In this example, I want my string to be 10 characters long, with padding if necessary. I have this code in my django template

{{ "my too long or too short string"|stringformat:":10" }}

But django outputs nothing.


  • Django 1.10, docs here,

    Use truncatechars, rjust together.


    <p>Non formated string</p>
    <p>{{ "Truncatechars (include ... length)"|truncatechars:10}}</p>
    <p>{{ "Truncatechars with rjust"|truncatechars:10|rjust:"30" }}</p>
    <p>{{ "Only rjust"|rjust:"30" }}</p>


    Template renders correct HTML as below.

    Please note white-space: pre; css property to represent white-space.

    p {
      white-space: pre;
    <p>Non formated string</p>
    <p>                    Truncat...</p>
    <p>                    Only rjust</p>

    About white-space, see here