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Creating Join Table in Rails with One Model and Two Attributes on Another Model

Attempting to create a join table that takes two attributes on one model, and associates them with the id of a second model. Cannot use the id of the first model due to a constant refresh process, that reorders the rows on that model's table (ConstantlyRefreshingModels).

class ConstantlyRefreshingModels < ApplicationRecord
  attr_accessor :home_id, :chair, :floor, :number 
  has_and_belongs_to_many :family

class Family < ApplicationRecord
  attr_accessor :bread_winner
  has_and_belongs_to_many :constantlyrefreshingmodel

class CreateFamilyModelThatConstantlyRefreshesJoinTable < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0]
  def change
    create_join_table :families, :constantlyrefreshingmodel

Looking for a join table that looks like this:

home_id | number | family_id
    2   | '3003' |    4
    1   | '2100' |    1

And then this works out for exposing data:

new_home = constantlyrefreshingmodel.where(home_id: 2)
new_home.families == 4 == true

Any suggestions as to creating the join table, and the declaring of the associations?


  • You need a has_many :through Association not a has_and_belongs_to_many since you have additional attributes (:number) in join model

    You should use has_many :through if you need validations, callbacks or extra attributes on the join model. Section 2.8

    Try this approach:

    class Home < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :points
      has_many :families, through: :points
    # Point is your join model, AKA ConstantlyRefreshingModel
    class Point < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :family
      belongs_to :home
      validates :points, presence: true # Or some other validation, :number in your question.
    class Family < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :points
      has_many :houses, through: :points

    Join table migration:

    class CreatePoints < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
      def change
        create_table :points do |t|
          t.references :home,   foreign_key: true, null: false
          t.references :family, foreign_key: true, null: false
          t.string     :points, null: false

    For example, having the following data:

    home_1 = Home.create(id: 1)  # home with an id of 1
    home_2 = Home.create(id: 2)  # home with an id of 2
    family_4 = Family.create(id: 4) # family with an id of 4
    family_1 = Family.create(id: 1) # family with an id of 1
    Point.create(points: "3003", home: home_2, family: family_4)
    Point.create(points: "2100", home: home_1, family: family_1)


    points = Point.where(home: home_2)  # you get a collection of all points assigned to house with ID: 2                 # family with an id of 4

    To expose that a :home with id: 2 and the number 3003 points to the family where the id: 4

    home = Home.find(2)
    home.families.ids # 4
    home.points.first # 3003

    To expose family with an id: 4 is associated to the home with an id of 2 and the number 3003.

    family = Family.find(4)     # 2
    family.points.first  # 3003

    Also, attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer are deprecated in Rails 5.1. See this post