When I try decode a shift-jis encoded string and encode it back, some of the characters get garbled: I have following code:
use Encode qw(decode encode); $val=; print "\nbefore decoding: $val"; my $ustr = Encode::decode("shiftjis",$val); print "\nafter decoding: $ustr"; print "\nbefore encoding: $ustr"; $val = Encode::encode("shiftjis",$ustr); print "\nafter encoding: $val";
when I use a string : helloソworld in input it gets properly decoded and encoded back,i.e. before decoding and after encoding prints in above code print the same value. But when I tried another string like : ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨⅩ
The end output got garbled.
Is it a perl library specific problem or it is a general shift jis mapping problem? Is there any solution for it?
You should simply replace the shiftjis
with cp932