The Table was subpartitioned based on column(INSTANCE) who's value can be '1' or '2'. Want to list all subpartition name which contains INSTANCE value as '2'
select * from user_tab_subpartitions sp where table_name='TEST' and sp.NUM_ROWS >0
and to_char(HIGH_VALUE)='2';
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected CHAR got LONG
HIGH_VALUE is of type LONG()
You can get all subpartitions containing a specific value by rowids of the records with that value.
Try this query:
select distinct subobject_name
from user_objects obj join TEST tbl on obj.object_name = 'TEST'
and dbms_rowid.rowid_object(tbl.rowid) = obj.data_object_id
where tbl.INSTANCE = 2;