I have created a simple view component in VueJS and I'm getting a pretty common error:
void mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "value"
Here is my code:
<numeric-text-field class="mx-auto" label="Head Mass" units="kg" v-model="turbine.head_mass" />
import NumericTextField from '@/components/common/NumericTextField'
export default {
name: 'Turbines',
components: {
data () {
return {
turbine: {}
<style scoped>
Oddly enough I get the error for modifying "value" but I don't have value in my code. I think this is caused by the indirection layer created by the numeric-text-field. This problem does not exist in my code when I use only normal input text. What is going on here? Is there another special way I'm supposed to hook up the model to my numeric-text-fields other than v-model?
This turns out to be, unbeknownst to me upon original posting, and issue in NumericTextField. I thought that was a standard Vueify component but was added by a coworker. It did not properly handle bidirectional input as pointed out by the comments on the original post.
The trick is to add this.$emit('input', value) from the NumericTextField component in @input like Ohgodwhy suggested.