I have running a shopware stack on AWS which runs without problems. Now I try to clone this live shop to an development environment using bitnami shopware stack for virtualbox.
I have connected this virtual stack of shopware via SSH and PPk Key to putty as well as filezilla.
Now I tried to upload my live direktory "shopware" to overwrite the existing shopware folder on virtual machines opt/bitnami/apps
After I went in this error:
I read in the community to change user an group-user to bitnami:
sudo chown -c bitami /opt/bitnami/apps
It still isn´t working but another big problem is ahead:
I don´t reach my login and frontend site on virtual machine, there´s now this error:
You don't have permission to access /backend on this server.
Before this user was changed it works with login via browser, there was the user root
, so I tried to give this user back, but the problem is also there:
I hope anyone can tell me the following two questions:
1.) How I have to change the permissions / Users back, that I can login via browser in shopware
2.) How I have to modify the permissions to upload local shopware folder (including all sub folders) to opt/bitnami/apps
on virtual machine.
Thank you very much for your support!
Bitnami Engineer here,
First of all you are trying to access /opt/bitnami/apps/shopware/shopware/htdocs
when the real path is /opt/bitnami/apps/shopware/htdocs
. Apart from that, it seems you removed the execution permissions of the files under /opt/bitnami/apps/shopware and that's why you can't list the content of the folder.
total 380
drw-rw-rw- 12 bitnami daemon 4096 Jan 15 04:08 .
Please use a SSH connection and run this command
sudo chmod +x /opt/bitnami/apps/shopware/*
Happy to help!