Using I'm trying to write a csv text file with the Console.WriteLine output from an Instrument table connected to sqlserver using Dapper.
my initial code to open DB and process records is
using (var dbconn = new SqlConnection(sb.ConnectionString))
var fred = dbconn.Query<Instrument>("SELECT * FROM Instruments");
foreach (var s in fred)
Console.WriteLine($"{s.SurgicalDeviceId}, {s.CreatedAt}");
Now i've been reading up on this and a few people have said by using Console.WriteLine I can make a simple and clean code to create the csv file but I seem to be having no luck trying it myself.
Could anyone help write the code or point me in the direction where this has been done with Console.WriteLine?
If you want to use CsvHelper to write the records to file.csv, this should work for you.
using (var dbconn = new SqlConnection(sb.ConnectionString))
var records = dbconn.Query<Instrument>("SELECT * FROM Instruments").ToList();
using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter("path\\to\\file.csv"))
using (var csvWriter = new CsvWriter(streamWriter))