Would appreciate some help with this extraction for Google Data Studio (RE2):
I need to extract everything from this string between the "1. " and the "https://www.journorequests.com"
"- Health & Fitness ---
**1.** Phee Waterfield (https://www.twitter.com/pheecetious)
Does anyone know of any mental health accelerators or incubators? #journorequest #techjpr #prrequest
https://www.journorequests.com/redirect… & Fitness&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.twitter.com%2Fpheecetious%2Fstatus%2F920331054342463488&medium=instant_alert"
I think what you're looking for is.
This will return the content you need in the first capturing group.
Also you might want to do some reading on Regular Expressions, Capturing groups