I’m having some problems with John Guenin's x_sendfile (http://john.guen.in/past/2007/4/17/send_files_faster_with_xsendfile/).
When coding the download of a PDF file, I’m using the following code:
def send_the_file(filename)
xsendfile (“#{Rails.root}/doc/” + filename, :type => ‘application/pdf’)
but I only get 1 byte downloaded. This usually happens if the filename is not absolute (hence the #{Rails.root} being added. I’ve also checked that the file has the necessary permissions. This is failing both on localhost and my prod site.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
What version of Rails are you using? If you're on 2.1 or later, the X-Sendfile option is built into Rails' send_file method.
send_file 'filename', :x_sendfile => true
Otherwise, are you sure that mod_xsendfile has been installed and configured correctly?