I found this reddit bot code on GitHub, it literally is just a comment bot.
I know little about Python, so i tried to doctor the code to have multiple subreddits and keywords, adding these:
keywords = ["hello", "okay"]
subreddits = ["test", "bottest"]
for comment in r.subreddit(any(subreddits)).comments(limit=100):
if any(keywords) in comment.body and comment.id not in comments_replied_to
and comment.author != r.user.me():
This code doesn't seem to work, mostly due to my limited knowledge of Python. I want the bot to scan multiple subreddits and search for multiple keywords.
You can include multiple subreddits like so.
subreddits_list = "test+bottest"
subreddits = r.subreddit(subreddits_list)
To check for multiple keywords, you can use.
keywords = ["hello", "okay"]
for comment in subreddits.comments(limit=100):
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword in comment.body and comment.id not in comments_replied_to and comment.author != r.user.me():